An Ode to Merrin Jenkins

It is an honor to have worked alongside Merrin, and to continue to witness her deep impact on the lives of so many talented youth in East Africa. Our institution holds deep gratitude to and love for Merrin for her years of dedication and service. As a friend, a former staffer, a Board member as well as a generous supporter, Merrin, you have built a solid foundation of love for our entire community.

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A Powerful New Community of Changemakers

We’re thrilled to invite you to join a powerful new community of changemakers: The Visionaries. At its heart, The Visionaries is a monthly giving experience that honors the original idea that brought Akilah to life: empowering the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs.

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Davis College joins the Education Collaborative’s first regional hub

University leaders from 8 institutions convened at Rongo University, Kenya, to draw a roadmap for operating and driving impact through the Education Collaborative’s first regional hub. Starting from East Africa, the Education Collaborative looks to scale impact across the continent through a regional hub approach that works through clusters of exemplary African universities.

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Creating Hope and Empowerment Through Education

Thanks to the Mastercard Foundation, Jeanne, Divine and hundreds of other young female scholarship recipients have kept their higher education dreams alive. This past June, Akilah graduated more than 400 young women in a virtual ceremony. Pandemic notwithstanding, all of them are on a path to a better future for themselves and their families.

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Solving Rwanda’s housing crisis, one brick at a time

In February 2021, our Business Management & Entrepreneurship faculty organized the first round of pitches for the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge (FGSIC), an annual competition that inspires student entrepreneurs around the world to create social ventures that promote positive, sustainable change, and provides the opportunity to secure seed funding.

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“It’s time for women to stand out in their own right”

On June 18th, we graduated the Class of 2020 and celebrated the extraordinary accomplishments of over 400 women, who have proven their courage, commitment, and brilliance during an incredibly challenging pandemic year. Iqra shares her leadership journey, career goals, and advice to the future leaders who follow in her footsteps as Davis College and Akilah students.

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Everything Changed with the Pandemic

Inspiring stories from two Mastercard Foundation scholarship recipients about overcoming challenges and striving for a better future. Meet Ziada Nirere, an Information Systems student at Davis College and Akilah from the Class of 2021. Beata Ufitinema, another Information Systems student from the class of 2021, was faced with a similar situation to Zaida.

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Championing the Environment on Campus

In June, the Student Guild’s Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with the Student Affairs team, ran a two-week sustainability campaign that culminated in a recycling competition where students pitched their innovative ideas and products, with three finalists awarded. Aidah Mirembe, Minister of Environment (E/W), Student Guild Cabinet, shares her thoughts on why protecting our planet is important for us all to understand and act on.

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Future Leader Spotlight: Myriam Iransubije

As the final trimester for the 2020/2021 academic year winds to an end, we sat down with Myriam Iransubije, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Class of 2021 and President of the Akilah Student Guild Cabinet, to hear how the past year has made her a stronger, wiser leader.

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Models of Education

A decade on, the two former students reflect on their lives and careers, the status of women in Rwanda, and their hopes for the future. Their stories illustrate the life-changing impact of progressive education, and offer inspiration to young women in Rwanda and beyond.

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