Partnering for Positive Impact

Akilah Students Receive Scholarships to Mitigate the Economic Stress of COVID-19 on their Studies

In September 2020, Davis College and Akilah were thrilled to announce a new partnership with the Mastercard Foundation as part of its COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program. With the Mastercard Foundation’s support, we have been able to effectively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by transitioning to e-learning and minimizing the disruption in education for our students.

Specifically, 463 Akilah students who had lost their Income Share Agreements (ISAs) due to the pandemic have received full and partial scholarships to resume their studies. This support has alleviated acute economic stress on these students and their families and has enabled them to continue learning despite the challenging circumstances.


“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a real and immediate impact on our students and their families. Their ability to continue their education virtually, and the scholarship support they received to do so, have been a critical lifeline over this very difficult time,” said Karen Sherman, Akilah Institute’s President.

Cansilde Ndatimana is a Business Management and Entrepreneurship student from Akilah’s Class of 2021 and a scholarship recipient. “I first heard about Davis College and Akilah from the Akilah graduates that I met in my hometown. I had seen how they were responsible, confident, and eloquent, which sparked my interest,” said Cansilde.

“Since joining Akilah, I have developed leadership skills such as accountability, confidence, giving and receiving feedback, and articulate communication. Before becoming a student here, I was shy and not confident speaking in a large group of people. Now, I practice public speaking in my classes, I do presentations, and I can lead group projects. This program has enabled me to start dreaming of all the great things that I can achieve after graduation. My instructors and fellow students help me every day to become a better version of myself. The Davis College and Akilah community nurture us to become the great leaders of tomorrow,” added Cansilde.

According to Cansilde, her future goals are bold and she is hopeful she will achieve them. She explained, “I really want to change the future of my family and the best way is through education. I am committed to doing everything possible and getting good grades. Ultimately, I want to secure a great job that will allow me to give back to my community because there are so many people like me who are not fortunate enough to get the same opportunities as I did. My dream is to really support them and help them receive an education.”

Akilah was founded in 2010 to create educational and economic opportunities for young women who otherwise would not have them. In 2020, Davis College was launched to expand Akilah’s higher education model to young men and women across Africa, which will be home to a billion youth by 2050. Together, Davis and Akilah are equipping students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to assume their role as future leaders.

Aline Munezero, a Hospitality and Tourism Management student in Akilah’s Class of 2021, is another scholarship recipient. She said, “My mother doesn’t earn a lot and it became even harder during the COVID-19 outbreak. I was very aware that her income couldn’t support me in my schooling and I thought that the only option available to me was to pause my studies and maybe hope to resume them in the future.”

“It was like a dream come true to receive a full scholarship from the Mastercard Foundation. This support has helped me to focus on my studies and to be more engaged in my classes because I am not worried about the tuition fees,” added Aline. “At Davis College and Akilah, I feel confident that I will graduate with the soft skills that set me apart from everyone else so that I can gain employment as soon as possible. My plan after graduation is to join the hospitality industry. I think this field has so many opportunities and I am thrilled at the prospect of becoming a future leader.”

Richard Niyibigira, Vice President of Academics and Student Life at Davis College and Akilah, has led the team’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “We quickly mobilized to support close to 1,000 students. Given that more than 50% come from rural areas and disadvantaged communities, we learned that many were challenged by access to technology and the internet,” said Niyibigira. “To address this, we worked to deliver e-devices and internet bundles to students in need.”

“Everyone at Davis College and Akilah remain deeply committed to our mission,” said Akilah’s President Sherman. “Now more than ever, East Africa needs a generation of future entrepreneurs, innovators, and changemakers who are creative and resilient. At Davis College and Akilah, we are educating young leaders to solve the world’s most pressing challenges through a lens of opportunity and sustainability. Thanks to the Mastercard Foundation’s support, aspiring young women like Cansilde and Aline have been able to continue their studies and to receive a transformative educational experience.”

About the Mastercard Foundation

The Mastercard Foundation works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and in Indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. It is one of the largest, private foundations in the world with a mission to advance learning and promote financial inclusion to create an inclusive and equitable world. Mastercard created the Foundation in 2006 as an independent organization with its Board of Directors and management.

For more information on the Foundation, please visit

About the Mastercard Foundation COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program

The Mastercard Foundation COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program has two main goals. First, to deliver emergency support for health workers, first responders, and students. Second, to strengthen the diverse institutions that are the first line of defense against the social and economic aftermath of this disease. These include universities, financial service providers, businesses, technology start-ups, incubators, government agencies, youth organizations, and non-governmental organizations. Click here for more on the Mastercard Foundation COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program or follow the Foundation on Twitter.

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