An Interview with our CEO and Co-Founder highlights our innovative, accessible approach to quality education.


Our CEO and Co-Founder, Elizabeth Dearborn Hughes, was recently interviewed by Spirit Rosenberg from — a podcast that aims to highlight organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world.

There’s no denying the crucial impact of adaptive and affordable college education on personal and national development. Over the past decade, we have designed a unique academic, staffing, and instructional model that is affordable, market-relevant, and effectively prepares students to drive innovation in the changing world of work.

For instance, our unique competency-based learning (CBE) model is an outcomes-based, student-centered approach that leads to earning a degree by proving mastery of specific competencies instead of just completing credit hours. This allows students to apply learned skills from the classroom to real projects in the community; embracing a diversity of lived experience while fostering a community of innovation.

The Davis and Akilah academic model is also unique as it combines a core curriculum in environmental, social, and economic sustainability with intensive leadership training, community service, public speaking, and soft skill development. We consider sustainability a career competency for the 21st century:

“We’ve really woven sustainability, adaptability, and climate issues into our curriculum so that young people not only understand the global problem, but also how they can respond and solve local environmental issues throughout their careers.”

Listen on your favorite podcast app or watch the full interview below.

Learn more about our unique academic model here:

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