Women in Tech: Akilah Alumnae Series Part 3

Meet Barbra Mulinda, Salesforce Manager at CHANCEN International (Class of 2018)

In this special Women in Tech interview series, we’re celebrating the achievements of Akilah Alumnae who have graduated from our two-year Information Systems diploma program. These fearless females are challenging the status quo and contributing to the growing IT economy as leaders and changemakers.

What attracted you to the Information Systems diploma at Akilah?

After doing computer science and management in high school, I discovered my passion for technology. I’m interested in how the field is leading the world and transforming our lives. I was adamant about pursuing a career in technology so I worked hard in high school and right before my completion I found out that Akilah has an Information Systems program. After discovering Akilah, I automatically applied and luckily I was accepted.

What were the top three lessons you learned throughout your studies?

I was at Akilah for three years and everyday was a learning experience. The top three things I learned were:

  • System Analysis and Design. This is one of the courses I took in the IS diploma program and it has helped me a lot in understanding how systems work and how I can solve any problems that people meet when they are using different systems. I use this skill in my everyday life and especially in my current job as a Salesforce Manager at CHANCEN International.

  • Database Design and Implementation. This course taught me how to design databases, how to collect useful data, and how to generate reports from the database. I am so glad that I got these skills from Akilah because they help me to do my job perfectly.

  • Leadership. Leadership is one of the core courses you have to take at Akilah, no matter what program you are doing. This course opened my eyes about how to make decisions as a leader. I gained my confidence from this leadership course and I have to say that it made me the person that I had always aspired to become.

Why do you think it’s important for females to participate in the IT industry?

I think women have everything they need to be successful in the IT industry. The narrative that this industry is demanding and that only men can pursue it, is very wrong. I succeeded in it and so are my colleagues. I really encourage women to step out of their comfort zone and challenge the status quo. Plus, the world is changing at a rapid pace and only people with systems knowledge will be able to keep up with the change.


Our Admissions Team are always happy to help find the course that’s right for you. Contact us on WhatsApp at +250 788 380510 or email admissions@daviscollege.com
