Our Culture Code

Our culture is the foundation of who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

Make it Shine

We aim for excellence in everything we do. We expect the very best from ourselves and others in the Davis community.

When we approach a new task, we are not satisfied with good enough or well done. We strive for outstanding. We look for ways to make everything exceptional and help our colleagues or classmates do the same.

We take pride in our work and are excited to share it with others. When people see Davis employees and students, they expect the highest standards.

Seek to Serve

We practice servant leadership. True servant leaders put others’ needs before their own.

We are self-aware, and we have a deep understanding of the effect of our actions and decisions on those around us. We pledge to positively impact those in our community by contributing our time, knowledge and actions.

We focus on service instead of self-interest. We act as role models and inspire others to act in the common interest of our community.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

We are a community of lifelong learners. We Think BIG and do not set limits for ourselves and what we can accomplish.

We believe in each person’s ability to learn and succeed at things they have never tried. We encourage others to attempt things outside of their comfort zone.

We understand that change is the only constant, and to fulfill our potential, we must acquire new knowledge and skills regularly.

We continually seek opportunities to learn and grow.

Practice Radical Transparency

We are open and honest with others and ourselves. We are always willing to share knowledge and information that will help others grow.

We start hard conversations from a place of trust. When we give feedback, we are kind and constructive. When we receive feedback, we are willing to listen with an open heart.

We act with integrity. When we, or others, make a mistake, we recognize it as an opportunity for growth.

By respecting and supporting one another, we all contribute to a positive learning environment where everyone can thrive.

Cut the Cake

Every day, we choose positivity, gratitude, and joy.

Whether we’re cutting a cake or applauding an accomplishment, we celebrate our successes and share our gratitude. Recognizing each achievement helps us stay motivated and committed to excel.

We show appreciation for others in the Davis community and cheer them on. Personal victories are wins for all of us.

Draw the Owl

We’re not afraid to try new things — especially when they’re hard. Most of us don’t know how to draw a perfect owl, but we have the determination to try our very best and gain mastery along the way.

We all face new opportunities and challenges. If we’re not sure about how to do something, we don’t give up. We study, we get creative, we ask for help, and then we get it done.

We take pride in our work. We look at limits as opportunities to find new solutions.

Then, we draw the best owl ever.

Champion the Environment

We recognize our roles in protecting our environment for present and future generations.

We consider the environmental impact of our daily decisions and actions. We believe important steps such as using refillable water bottles and starting environmentally friendly businesses matter.

We hold ourselves responsible for taking action to preserve and protect our environment for a sustainable future.

We set clear, measurable goals and inspire others to do the same.
