Davis College

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Introducing Akilah Adventures

We’re leveraging our extensive background and networks in the region to create the perfect experience in Rwanda.

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Photo by Charlie Hamilton James

In case NatGeo and Ellen DeGeneres haven’t already convinced you to make Rwanda your next destination vacation, here’s why hopping on the next flight to Kigali with Akilah Adventures — our new social enterprise tour company — will give you an insider experience like no other.

  1. (F)empowerment. Rwanda has the highest percentage of women in government leadership, 61.3% in parliament — more than any other country in the world. Learn about how the country has surpassed the rest of the world when it comes to gender equality during your visit to Rwanda’s only college for women, Akilah.

  2. East Africa’s Tech Hub. Kigali is home to countless startups and co-working spaces, in addition to Andela, CcHub, Positivo BGH, and Volkswagen, made possible by the Rwandan government’s commitment to investing in digital infrastructure. Interested in meeting social entrepreneurs and business leaders? Consider it scheduled.

  3. Leave a Light Footprint. The country’s efforts to protect its precious natural resources through reforestation and wildlife conservation are world record-breaking. Rwanda has also established the Green Fund, an innovative investment fund and the largest of its kind in Africa, in order to achieve its vision of a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy by 2050. Whether you’re glamping at Inzu Lodge on the shores of Lake Kivu (it’s plastic free!) or exploring the city, we’ll work with you to create an environmentally considerate travel experience.

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Akilah graduate Rose Muhumuza is the country’s first female safari jeep driver

We have deep experience working in East Africa. Our extensive alumnae community & network of leaders from parliament to the private sector create unique value and lenses through which your trip will be organized and run. By choosing Akilah, you chose to empower women by boosting our work on the ground in Africa, as all proceeds directly support the college.

We have just launched our website to give you a better feel for Akilah Adventures. We invite you to check it out, and please contact us with any questions. Let us know when you’re ready to begin your life-changing journey to Rwanda!