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May 7th Symposium: Education, Skills & Employment: Changing the Status Quo for Women & Girls

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Akilah Institute hosts this special, free event in Washington D.C., along with The Brookings Institution, ILO, ICRW, UNGEI, and UNICEF

All are invited to be part of an important conversation on how best to galvanize education, skills, and employment opportunities for women and girls around the world.

The Akilah Institute, The Brookings Institution, the International Center for Research on Women, the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative, and UNICEF are partnering to host this day-long symposium. Our unique focus is on bridging the parallel conversations on youth workforce readiness and education-to-work transitions for young women, with the goal of better preparing young women to enter the workforce during and post education.

The symposium aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Identify opportunities to improve the quality of education to better prepare women and girls with the skills for the workforce of today and tomorrow

  • Advance efforts to bridge demand and supply sides of workforce development and education initiatives to produce better outcomes for women, their families and communities

  • Highlight potential solutions around scaling school-to-work and transition initiatives, inclusive of lessons learned in the girls’ education and youth workforce readiness spaces

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Visit this link on eventbrite to register.