Gender Equality = Climate Change Resilience

The connection between women and climate change

“The world must mobilize climate solutions as quickly and fully as possible, remembering that gender equity is itself one.” — Katharine Wilkinson

This week, in over 192 countries, people have been observing Earth Day. According to the original Earth Day organizer Denis Hayes, Earth Day is now “the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year.”

What could happen if a billion people made gender equality key to the conversation on Earth Day, too? When we talk about climate change, let’s talk about women’s representation!

It’s a message that the world needs to keep hearing: more education and inclusion of women leads both directly and indirectly to a healthier planet. The reasons are many — this article from the UNFCC lists five of them.

Let’s focus on the first reason: Women comprise half of the world’s population — and we need 100% of people to be involved in creating solutions! From boardrooms to governments to universities, more and more evidence emerges to show that more women in leadership leads to better financial and other long-term outcomes.

In Rwanda, the government has taken this research to heart, with women holding over 60% of seats in parliament — more than any government in the world. (For even more exceptional Rwandan achievements including environmental sustainability, read here.)

It’s no coincidence that a country which has taken intentional steps to include women in leadership is also paving the way in climate action. With initiatives like banning plastic bags, major reforestation, and wildlife conservation, Rwanda has also become a top ecotourism destination. (Visit Rwanda in November!)

At the Akilah Institute, we educate Africa’s female leaders to solve the world’s most pressing challenges through a lens of sustainability and opportunity, with climate change awareness and emphasis on sustainable solutions featured prominently in our curriculum.

Check out more facts about the relationship between women’s empowerment and climate change in this detailed infographic from Women Deliver:

courtesy of Women Deliver

Courtesy of Women Deliver

#BalanceforBetter #EarthDay #Climate #Women #Education