Meet Sandrine Sangwa, Rwanda’s Award-Winning Software Developer & Graduate of the Akilah Institute

Sandrine earned her Information Systems diploma from the Akilah Institute in 2017. Today, she’s one of Rwanda’s leading female software developers.

“I am an Information Systems graduate of the Akilah Institute. One day, I will be the best software engineer in Rwanda — I want to use my software development skills to improve the lives of others.

My love for computers started when I was in high school. I would spend all my free time in the computer lab. My family wanted me to study hospitality management after I finished high school because they knew I would easily find a job. But I wanted to study IT. They discouraged me because I wasn’t great at math. But I was passionate about technology, and I knew I could do

it. A nun from my primary school told me about Akilah, and I decided to study Information Systems. I would prove to everyone that I could succeed in technology.

Today I’m a software engineer. It is all thanks to you — and your support for Akilah.

When I first entered Akilah, I didn’t even know how to confidently greet someone in English. After my first year, I received a prize in public speaking. It was a huge step for me and showed me what I was capable of.

For my first big project at Akilah, I developed an app that helps people with hearing disabilities communicate. The app placed third at the Digital Opportunity Trust Rwanda competition. I used my winnings to buy a laptop so I could continue to work on my app.

Through Akilah, I was able to secure an internship at KLab — a tech innovation hub in Kigali. It was an amazing experience — I had the opportunity

to share my knowledge with young girls. I believe the future is digital, and that women will play a key role in leading it.

After graduating from Akilah, I worked at KLab full time and gained the experience to secure a position at Energypedia Consult. Energypedia is a German startup that develops monitoring and evaluation IT for NGOs

and impact agencies around the world. I was their first Rwandan hire. I develop tools and software to support programs like the Safe Water Enterprises project. The project’s off-grid water treatment centers supply clean water to thousands in East Africa.

Sandrine with Melanie Uhlen, Energypedia Consult Rwanda Country Director

I have been invited to speak at international conferences like the YouthConnekt Africa Summit and have shared the stage with leaders from the United Nations Development Program and members of government.

As for the app I developed at Akilah? I am still working on it in my free time. I recently launched a website that offers similar functionality. I believe one day it will improve the lives of millions across Africa.

I would not be where I am today without Akilah. At Akilah I learned much more than programming languages — I learned how to be a confident communicator and leader.

Thanks to supporters like you, I achieved my dream and launched a career in technology. This festive season, I hope you will continue to support Akilah. Your gift will ensure that more Rwandan women just like me can pursue their own career goals and contribute to their communities.”

Almost ten years ago, Akilah opened its first Kigali campus. Since then 450 women like Sandrine have earned diplomas in Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Information Systems, and Hospitality Management. We recently announced our new Mission, Vision, and Strategic Pillars — and we’re gearing up for a period of exciting global growth.

This will only be possible through the continued support of donors like you to the Akilah Foundation. Your support will enable us to continue to empower the next generation of female leaders in Africa as we launch a new Bachelor’s degree and expand to Uganda. Make a gift to the Akilah Institute today!