Staff Spotlight: Lucy Cherono, Information Systems Instructor

Akilah prides itself on developing strong, skilled women leaders. But behind every great leader is a great teacher. In our “Staff Spotlight” series, we ask instructors and staff what inspires them about the work they do.

“I’ve always been passionate about inspiring more women to join technology,” says Lucy Cherono, an instructor for Akilah’s Information Systems Diploma program.

Lucy Cherono is the first female Information Systems instructor at Akilah. Lucy is a dedicated champion for women in tech, and when she is not in the classroom, she is busy working on her Ph.D. in Business IT and to change mindsets about women’s place in technology.

I’ve always been passionate about inspiring more women to join technology. My biggest challenge is to change the attitude that has been instilled in a lot of women when it comes to technology. Because Information Systems is a technical field, they think it’s not for them. I want to show them that is not the case. At Akilah, I can reach out to more girls, be their example and role model. Show them ‘’I’ve reached this level, you can too.’

The first time I went to teach a class here at Akilah, the girls were so happy to see one of their own with tech skills. They would ask me how I do it. I told them ‘It’s possible — just put your right foot in front, and you can do it.’ And then slowly, when you start giving them exercises and tasks, they find out that they can in fact do it. It’s all about changing their mindset.

“The main obstacle is that women take IT to be technical and hard. But technology is no harder for women then for men. I really want to be part of changing that mindset so we can have a balance in the field.”

The courses I teach are quite technical.
For instance, we teach them to work in different operating systems like Linux. At first glance, Linux looks complex, but it’s not. It’s just about getting used to working on a new platform. I keep encouraging them, growing a will within them to do it. At the end of the course, I can tell they are enjoying it and want to continue to work in the new system.

I remember when I was in high school, career advisors would always advise women to join the arts. But you can take up the challenge. Ask yourself, ‘Why can’t I be among the few who go a different way?’ I went for it — and here we are. I studied with very few women, and I work with very few women in the field. I’m used to always being the only woman in the IT departments at the universities I’ve worked in.

The main obstacle is that women take IT to be technical and hard. But technology is no harder for women then for men. I really want to be part of changing that mindset so we can have a balance in the field.

I think a lot of the girls’ first concern is who will employ them, but the job prospects in the field are very positive. Actually, these ladies can create their own jobs. We do everything hands-on in class, so it’s very easy to transition to work. The girls come out with tangible skills, and that’s what the industry wants. They can create a website and sell it. They can design applications. They can do programming, data collection, and networking. It doesn’t need much capital. If you have your computer and your brain, you’re ready for business.

Fortunately, we already have some Akilah Information Systems graduates who are good examples for younger students because they’ve done well in their careers.

“I think a lot of the girls’ first concern is who will employ them. But the job prospects in the field are very positive. Actually, these ladies can create their own jobs … If you have your computer and your brain, you’re ready for business.”

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Business IT. I am trying to come up with an algorithm that banks can use to determine clients’ credit worthiness. In my Ph.D. program, I am also the only women. I am out there doing things people thought women couldn’t do.

That’s why we need more girls to come and study Information Systems at Akilah. We need more women in the tech field, showing that we can do it just as well as men.

Ready to start your career in tech like Lucy? Apply now for Akilah’s Information Systems Diploma program.