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5 Reasons to Apply for Akilah’s Information Systems Diploma Program

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Students learn to create mobile apps and build websites in Akilah’s Information Systems Diploma program.

ICT is taking off in Rwanda: The capital city is wired with fiber-optic Internet and brimming with startups that offer everything from food delivery to moto rides to health advice. The government is moving its services online and promoting ICT education in schools. And private companies and NGOs in the country are increasingly using technology to operate more efficiently and effectively.

The growth of Rwanda’s ICT sector requires skilled people to staff current and new positions. Akilah’s Information Systems Diploma program is designed to help students take advantage of this growth and enter the workforce with in-demand skills.

Here are five reasons why you should start your career in technology at Akilah:

1. One computer per student

It’s tough to learn with several students crowded around a computer. At Akilah, every student has access to her own computer during class time. Akilah’s new campus has five computer labs so students can work on projects and practice new skills both in and outside of the classroom.

2. Industry-relevant curriculum

Akilah works with over 60 employer partners to develop a curriculum that aligns with employer needs. Akilah also partnered with Cisco, a world leader in networking technology and products, to offer Cisco-certified courses. Students graduate ready to sit for Cisco exams, where they can earn professional networking certification.

3. Practical skills

Akilah is committed to ensuring that our students graduate ready to excel on the job. Akilah uses a competency-based curriculum, which means students are tested on what they know and can do. When students are taught a new concept or skill, they apply it in the classroom, with the help and guidance of an instructor.

4. Competitions

Everyone appreciates a little friendly competition, and Akilah students are no exception. Students have the opportunity to pitch their business ideas and compete for funding in the Akilah Entrepreneurship Fund Competition. The Information Systems Department also runs internal competitions that challenge IS students to come up with solutions to real-life challenges, such as developing an offline file-sharing system for use on campus.

5. Opportunities

Nearly 90% of our alumnae find jobs within six months of graduation. ICT is an especially promising field. ICT professionals are needed not only in the technology sector but across many other sectors too. Hospitals, universities, churches, government departments, hotels, and other institutions rely on IT professionals to run their technology systems and provide IT support. A diploma in IS can prepare you for a job as a web developer, networking specialist, systems administrator, help-desk technician, IT entrepreneur, and more.