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Then & Now: New Student Aline Shares Her Experience Since Akilah’s Open House

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Aline Uwamahoro is a new student at the Akilah Institute.

If you follow us on Instagram, you might remember Aline Uwamahoro. Aline joined us for our Open House in March, where we invited curious and prospective students and their families to visit campus, hear from students and faculty, and get a feeling for life at Akilah.

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When we met Aline, she had already been accepted to study Information Systems in our new Evening & Weekend Program. She was excited for a chance to maintain her daytime job while pursuing higher education.

This is what Aline had to say about her expectations for studying at Akilah:

“I’m so curious to learn more about Akilah. I met with some of the Information Systems students, and they showed me an app they had developed, which helps you to learn new English words. I loved that! I love the way students express themselves here — they’re so good at English. I’m going to study in the Evening & Weekend Program so I can maintain my job and take care of my siblings while studying.”

Aline’s update

Today, Aline is busy with her Information Systems studies at Akilah, while also working a daytime job at a hotel in Kigali. We caught up with her to hear how she is adjusting to her new life.

Here’s what she had to say …

“The Bridge Program we did over the summer was great — it was a new experience for me. We learned IT, English, and leadership. I saw how Akilah is serious about their students. They follow you and pay attention to you if you attend class and submit your assignments on time. Our teachers give us advice on how we can improve in certain areas. Studying here has taught me to work hard and fast.

I am practicing public speaking, and I have already improved my English a lot. I made good friends in the program — it’s amazing. We all know each other at Akilah, even if we’re not classmates.”

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I work in housekeeping at a hotel in Kigali during the day, and then I study Information Systems in the evening. I work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and then I have class from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. In the beginning, it was hard to go straight from work to class. But now that I’m used to it, it’s not hard anymore.

The new campus is very nice — it has very nice classrooms. Because we are now located in town, we are exposed to so many opportunities from the industry. Accommodation is also easier to find here than in Kibagabaga [the location of Akilah’s former campus].

I have more confidence now than the last time we spoke together. I can better express myself in front of others. After finishing these two years at Akilah, I think I will be capable of much more than I am now.

I dream to be a voice for youth who can’t speak for themselves. There are still a lot of challenges for girls, and I believe I will have the confidence to speak for them.

Professionally, my dream is to become a Database Administrator. After finishing class, I hope to get a good internship — I would love to work in the national bank, overseeing their database. I talked to someone there, and they know that as students from Akilah, we are out there and very capable. I will do my best to reach my dreams.”