Our Thoughts on Giving Thanks

Grateful moments, from our staff, students, and graduates

I’m grateful for our way of studying at Akilah. We used to study in blocks, and now it’s been changed into a trimester system. It has made us work hard and to get more done in a shorter period of time. I especially appreciate the social and leadership aspects of our studies. They help us face the world we’re part of; to think critically and be open-minded people. We need to find our own way, so we are ready to face any challenges we might meet after Akilah. Allen Ingabire ‘17

I’m grateful to my mom. She has filled the role as mom and dad for me since my dad passed away in February. I’m grateful for my mentor, my friends — at Akilah and outside of Akilah — and my two brothers. They have been the best pillars for me this year. They have been there through my loss and helped me to stand tall, telling me ‘life continues, we are here for you.’ And I’m thankful for the Akilah family of course. They have taught me to dance in the rain. Marie Aimee Umuhoza ‘16

I am grateful for having the opportunity to work with a team each and every day that is passionately dedicated and focused on helping to build the dreams of our students. Experiencing these young women grow more confident each moment realizing that anything is possible is powerful, life changing and needed in our world. Our students’ courage is the inspiration that fuels the difference. Rick Daniels, Chief Academic Officer

I am grateful that the Recruitment and Admissions Department has hired two Akilah alumnae to represent us in the Southern, Western, Northern and Eastern provinces. This brings so much joy because Akilah will be represented all over Rwanda and not just concentrated in Kigali. I am also grateful for the hard work the academic department is putting in to tailoring the curriculum into the new Competency Based Education Model — that is a great selling point, which will strengthen the Akilah brand in the country. Esther Bugaiga, Recruitment Coordinator

I started working at Akilah this year, and it has showed me a whole new side of professional life. I used to work in business, and this role is very different from that. I interact a lot with our students and I get so much feedback from them about their life experiences, studies and career goals. All of that helps me to get a better understanding of our country, our culture and opportunities for young women. The way Akilah empowers our girls is something I can also take advantage of. I’m still young so I also follow the advice we give our students. Working here has really changed my mindset. Personally and professionally I have improved. I am much more confident today than before I joined Akilah. Stephanie Kanyandekwe, Careers Officer

Akilah makes me feel like I’m an important person in this world. I feel like I am doing well; I’m studying hard, my business is going well and I can sustain myself. The beauty of a woman is not about putting on nice clothes or makeup. It’s about our internal strengths and our right to follow our passion. If we can make our light shine through, we can be great role models to others. Zipora Nyituriki ‘16

I came in 2015 from Burundi and in the beginning it was really hard to get used to life in a new country. What I am most thankful for in 2016 is that I have become comfortable in Kigali and created friendships with a lot of my fellow students. I used to only talk with other Burundians, but now we’re a family across nationalities and backgrounds, not least because Akilah keeps mixing us in class. That helps us to be able to work with with different people, be flexible, and think in new ways. I’ve improved in my life this year. I’m speaking English and setting a lot of goals. I feel like I have reached another level. Belyssia Belyse Nicishatse ‘17

I’m thankful for being at Akilah. I joined in 2015, and it was a wonderful chance for me, especially because I spent 7 years without studying before joining Akilah. So I was just so happy when I was accepted. I’m learning so many things. I’m very passionate about business, and at Akilah I am learning what it takes to start a business and being a successful woman. I am excited about the opportunities this is giving me. Charlotte Musenginamana ‘18

I’m grateful for the Akilah community and all the support that I get, especially from my faculty colleagues, as I have entered my new role as instructional coach. I get to work with all of them on a different level now, and I am very thankful to everyone for the overwhelming support they’ve showed me. Stella Wayianzuvuko, Instructional Coach

This year I am very thankful of the new relationships we have managed to build with partners and donors. We have gained a strong relationship with UN Women and their representative here in Rwanda, and that is something I feel very proud of. Nadine Niyitegeka, External Relations Officer

I am very thankful to have seen the Entrepreneurship program growing into Entrepreneurship and Business Management. This implies that the program can support and prepare more women in Rwanda and the region; those who want to learn start and run their own businesses successfully, and those who want to acquire business management skills that support existing businesses with an entrepreneurial mindset. I am proud to have seen this change in the program I manage. Stanley Mukasa, Entrepreneurship Program Manager

I’m very thankful for my achievements this year. This year was a big turning point for me; who will I be, what will my career look like, will I be able to utilize what my instructors taught me? It was about me growing up, getting a job, starting my career. Akilah guided me to know how to make strong decisions and apply my leadership skills in everything I do, so I can work well with others, step into a new professional setting and be positive and constructive in my role. Jackline Murungi ‘16

2016 was a very inspirational year for me. I got to go into the real world and put to action what I learned in school. I got to join the industry, motivate others professionally and pursue my dream. I appreciate Akilah for supporting me through my studies. Now that I have a job, I plan to come back to Akilah to support and inspire some of the current students and show them that they can do the same. Violet Ikirezi ‘16
