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Meet the Students: Jacqueline

“I want to be the person who brings innovation and creativity to the community.”

—Jacqueline Mukandamage, Entrepreneurship, Class of 2016

My name is Jacqueline Mukandamage and I was born in 1992. My younger brother and I are both orphans. We live with our grandmother, who is a farmer. Unfortunately, my brother didn’t have chance to study due to poverty and he remained a farmer like my grandmother. But I want to work hard in my studies in order to be successful.

I love being at Akilah because they give every woman here a chance to express who she is by giving us the courage to grow our self-confidence.

I studied mathematics, chemistry, and biology in secondary school. Before coming to Akilah, I was hopeless and saw my destiny as set, just like my brother’s. Now I can hope for a brighter future and to achieve my dreams. I am very happy to attend Akilah and be part of this new family.

I love being at Akilah because they give every woman here a chance to express who she is by giving us the courage to grow our self-confidence.

I used to dream of being a doctor as a child, now my dream is to be an entrepreneur.

Akilah is helping me improve my knowledge and skills in English through debates and presentations. Also, using computers to conduct research helps me enhance my information technology skills. Akilah ensures that I have access to essential materials, such as handouts, that are used in my studies. These materials are always available for everyone.

Even though I used to dream of being a doctor as a child, now my dream is to be an entrepreneur. I want to be a person who brings innovation and creativity to the community through commerce. I will be able to achieve that dream because of the opportunity I have at Akilah.

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