Meet the Students: Ange


“When facing challenges, stay patient and keep in mind that failure is not the end, but the beginning of a new success.”

—Ange Ishimwe Isimbi, Entrepreneurship, Class of 2015

I was born in 1991 into a family of four girls and two boys. I have one parent remaining, and during my childhood I was met with many difficult situations. I have learned to be patient in any situation and to respect those who have helped me, such as the relatives I live with now.

I joined Akilah in 2013 because it had an entrepreneurship program. Since I joined Akilah, my life has changed. I learned to have a positive attitude, that everything is possible, and that things do not just happen but are made to happen. My previous studies have all been in French, but my English has also greatly improved. I have learned many things, such as using computers, providing good customer care, and showing leadership. I have also learned to believe in my abilities and that if I set my mind to something, I can achieve it. I am hard working, take my responsibilities seriously, and I’m happy when I accomplish my duties.

Rwanda needs a lot of new buildings and houses, and I want to work in a field that has lots of growth and that benefits my country.

Akilah has helped me to know my strengths and weaknesses through teaching us about character building and goal setting. My strengths are being responsible, helping others, being a good listener, and being patient. My weaknesses are making new friends and standing up for my beliefs when it is not the popular opinion. These are things that are very important to know in becoming a leader and building a career. I’m trying to learn to be more sociable, for example!

My favorite memory from Akilah is the event where younger Akilah students get paired with older students, because it helps me recognize that even I can already be a role model to my younger sister at Akilah. It means helping her with her studies, sharing ideas with her, and giving her advice.

The time I was most proud of myself at Akilah was during community leadership where we learned ways to give back. We shared our knowledge and experiences with children from a secondary school we visited. I truly hope that we impacted their lives in a lasting way.

Success does not mean never falling, but it means rising up every time you fall down.

The biggest challenge I have overcome here is being shy. I had a hard time during my first days at Akilah because I did not speak English well and felt very self-conscious. Now, even though I am still working on my English, I can express myself and my ideas with confidence.

With what I am learning in entrepreneurship and my newfound confidence, I hope to start a construction company one day. Rwanda needs a lot of new buildings and houses, and I want to work in a field that has lots of growth and that benefits my country.

My advice to future Akilah students is to keep a positive attitude because everything is possible with hard work and determination. They should take their responsibilities seriously and be proud when they accomplish their duties. They should explore new things and seek to travel in order to gain new ideas and experiences. Akilah will put many opportunities in front of them, and it is their job to grab them. And they have to believe that change is possible with hard work and belief in oneself. When facing challenges, stay patient and keep in mind that failure is not the end, but the beginning of a new success. Success does not mean never falling, but it means rising up every time you fall down.

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